As a smart mirror seller; whether you are a company or an individual, we know all the customer service issues that can come up with selling a raspberry pi and open source software based smart mirror. SD card corruption, software configuration issues, not to mention having to get users to connect keyboards for wifi passwords, setup, configuration, and network changes. This can drive customers crazy, it is not a simple setup for sure. Especially since the world is now all App based.
Why don’t you make life easier for your customers using Mango Display, a smart mirror platform that runs on an Amazon Fire TV stick. Easy for customers, no software headaches for you, more sales for you.
No configuration needed from your side. Your users will simply setup the Fire TV using the remote, download the Mango Display App from the amazon app store, and configure the widgets and layout themselves. Thats it!
Cost to you? zero. in fact you will save on costs. A Raspberry Pi with SD card, case, power supply, heatsink, etc. is more expensive than a Fire TV stick.
In addition your users can also use the Alexa app to schedule the mirror display or even use a Motion Sensor.
How do we benefit? While most basic widgets used in a smart mirror are free like clock, weather, news and quotes we do have a paid subscription for additional widgets. Your customers can decide if they want to subscribe to it, and you can add it to your marketing accordingly. Here is our current Pricing plans.
You don’t need to request any special permission to use our platform, simply use the words ‘ Works with Mango Display’ in your marketing, and provide customers with the three simple steps below.
Customer setup in 3 simple steps
Step 1
Download Mango Display App on your Fire TV from the Amazon App Store and Open it. It will provide you with a display device code.
Step 2
On your phone, tablet or computer. Log in at Click ‘Add new display’. Select the Fire TV display device type. Enter name and device code. Choose widgets and configure your display layout.
Step 3
Done! Leave Mango Display App running on your Fire TV device. You can schedule your Fire TV and Mango Display time using Alexa routines.
So you can build beautiful smart mirrors based on your customer needs and we will provide the easy to use software that is simple, supported and will have more features added to it all the time. A win for you, and win for us, and a win for your customer.
Originally published at on March 22, 2021.